Computer Tuned Propellers


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Digital Prop Shop is a Company dedicated to improving the performance of your boat through precision propeller tuning.

We offer precision high performance repair and Computer Tuning of inboard tapered-bore propellers to ISO Tolerances to increase speed, eliminate vibration, and improve fuel economy; and can help you select the right propeller for your boat through our Sizing Analysis Program.


We  also sell New and Used propellers from Michigan Wheel, Federal, HyTorq, Dymex, Teighbridge, PowerTech, Mercury/Typhoon, Volvo, Autoprop, and Max-Prop.


And, we offer the finest in Marine Hardware and underwater running gear including shafting, rudders, struts, couplings, bearings, packing glands, and thru-hull fittings.


Located just south of Annapolis on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay at Herrington Harbour North Marina,  we can arrange to have your boat hauled in any of four Travel Lifts of up to 70 Tons for propeller tuning, or underwater gear replacement and repair.  Not on the Chesapeake... no problem, daily UPS Service puts you just around the corner.



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Copyright © 2000 Digital Prop Shop, Inc.
Last modified: June 05, 2001