Computer Tuned Propellers


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Your Propellers' job is to convert engine Torque to Thrust. How efficiently it does this job is a function of how well it is matched to your boat and how precisely it carries pitch on and between each blade. A well tuned propeller will optimize speed, smoothness, and fuel economy for your boat/motor combination. 

Precision Computer Tuning

At Digital Prop Shop we use the Hale MRI System to precisely measure the diameter, pitch, position, blade shape, and tracking  of each blade on your propeller.  This system uses optical encoders for measurement which are accurate to .0000000000001 of an inch , and provides us with a complete picture of your prop relative to ISO Tolerances.
The tuning and repair process still involves lots of sweat and the use of hammers or hydraulics to adjust each blade for position and pitch in local areas along each radius. 
And after each adjustment the propeller is again measured on the MRI to gage progress toward the desired targets.  It may take many iterations of adjusting and measuring in what is a time consuming and often tedious process, but the end result is a propeller that will do it's torque to thrust job as efficiently as possible....This is true even with new propellers, where customers consistently tell us of improved speed and smoothness.
Finally, each propeller is finished bright, balanced for weight, and "before and after" color reports are generated for each customer that clearly show the improvements made to their propeller(s).
We will do a complete computer analysis of your propeller in our shop at NO CHARGE.

If work needs to be performed after discussing the results of this analysis with you, the pricing for this service will be based upon diameter, number of blades and alloy of the propeller and will be quoted as a firm price.

As one high-end custom boat builder recently remarked; "It's the best investment you can make, and the least amount of money you can spend to see a noticeable improvement in a boats' performance".



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Copyright © 2000 Digital Prop Shop, Inc.
Last modified: December 09, 2000