Computer Tuned Propellers


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Glossary of Common Propeller Terms


Diameter Imaginary circle defined by the blade tips as the Propeller rotates.
Pitch The distance (usually expressed in inches) a propeller would move in one revolution in a solid medium with no slippage.
Cup A small bend in the trailing edge of a propeller blade.
Rotation Viewing from the stern Right Hand propellers rotate clockwise, and Left Hand propellers rotate counterclockwise.  Many propellers marked RH or LH on the hub.
Blade Tip Maximum reach of the blade from the center of the hub.
Leading Edge When viewing propeller from astern this edge is furthest away.
Trailing Edge When viewing propeller from astern this edge is closest.
Hub Solid cylinder at the center of the propeller bored to accommodate the shaft.
Bore Hole drilled in the center of the hub to accommodate the shaft.
Keyway Rectangular slot cut into the center of the hub which is used to secure the propeller to the shaft.
Blade Root Where blade attaches to hub.
Blade Face Also called pressure side, is the aft side of the blade (facing stern).
Blade Back Also called Suction Side, is the forward side of the blade (facing bow).
Radius Distance from the axis of rotation to the blade tip.
Local Pitch Amount of pitch on a blade in a specified segment of a radius.
Rake The fore or aft slant of a blade with respect to a line perpendicular to the propeller axis of rotation.
Negative Rake Blade slants toward bow.
Positive Rake Blade slants toward stern.
Skew The transverse sweeping of a blade such that viewing the blade from fore or aft shows an asymmetrical shape.
Fixed Pitch Propeller A propeller on which the blades are permanently mounted to the hub not allowing a change in propeller pitch without mechanical intervention.
Constant Pitch Propeller Propeller blades have the same value of pitch at each cylindrical section from blade root to tip.
Controllable Pitch Propeller Propeller blades mount separately on the hub, each on one axis of rotation, allowing a change of pitch in the blades.
Progressive Pitch Propeller Propeller blades have sections  designed with varying values of local pitch on the Blade Face.
Variable Pitch Propeller Propeller blades designed to have different values of pitch at different radius sections from blade root to blade tip.


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Last modified: December 01, 2000