Computer Tuned Propellers


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From runabout to fishing trawler, we have a new propeller to fit your needs at a reasonable price.  Our offerings from the worlds' top manufacturers cover the spectrum from a tiny aluminum prop for your dingy, to a CNC machined custom work-of-art for your 50 knot Sportfisherman.  Fill out the quote request form on this page if you know what you need, or use our Sizing Analysis program to zero in on your requirements.


Propellers for Inboard Powerboats (tapered bore):

Propellers for Sailboats:

Propellers for I/O's and Outboards:


To obtain a new propeller price quote, please provide us with the following Information, press the Submit button, and we'll return a quote via E-mail.

New Propeller Price Quote Request

First Name: Last Name:
Street Address 1:
Street Address 2:
State: Zip:
Day Phone: Fax:
E-mail Address:

For Inboard and Sailboat Propellers:

Propeller Manufacturer Preference:
Boat Type: Power  Sail # of Engines: Single Twin
Diameter: inches Pitch: inches
# of Blades: Rotation: RH LH 
Shaft Size: in. mm Alloy: Bronze NiBrAl
Cupped?  Yes  No *Reduction Gear: to 1
*Boat Mfg. and Model:
*Engine Mfg.: *Engine Horsepower:
*This information required for Autoprop or Max-Prop Quotes

For I/O and Outboard Propellers:

Propeller Manufacturer Preference:
Manufacturer of Existing Prop:
Mfg. of Engine:

Engine HP:

Outdrive Type (I/O): 

Part # on Existing Prop (on side or end of hub):
Alloy: Aluminum Stainless Steel # of Blades:
Rotation: RH  LH
Additional Comments:

If you have any questions about what these terms mean or how you can find this information check our Glossary and FAQ sections.


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Copyright © 2000 Digital Prop Shop, Inc.
Last modified: April 18, 2001